Schools orienteering

Orienteering is great for children. Not only does it encourage map reading and decision making, but it’s a great way of getting them active as well. As a level three coach, I have worked with both Primary and Secondary school children in and around London. My lessons teach children the basics of map reading, plotting a route and a basic fitness routine. With the help of modern technology, orienteering has advanced massively and I use electronic equipment to teach with. This makes it more exciting and interactive.

I offer a number of services specifically designed for schools. To experience orienteering you can choose to have me come to you or you can visit me in Epping Forest.

What I can do if I visit your school;

  • Create a professional map of your site
  • Teach children for a period of time from 1 day to 10 weeks
  • Run a teacher training session to enable the teachers to teach orienteering
  • Leave you with my lesson plans so that you can continue to teach orienteering in your school. These have been designed specifically for teachers new to orienteering, helping you make the most of your new school map, and giving you everything you need to know to make the lessons a success.

Whatever your needs, I can tailor make a package that’s right for your school.

What I can do if you visit me at Suntrap in Epping Forest;

  • Experience a full day  of orienteering coaching to learn the basics of the sport. This package is a great way for classes to bond  and the children to learn skills such as map reading and decision making
  • If you know a little bit about orienteering or have done it before, I can run a more advanced package to further your skills
  • On a Monday and Tuesday every week I run an after school club for children and adults to have a go at orienteering. This is subject to booking and availability
  • For children aged 16-19 I can run a young leaders course. This is a British Orienteering recognised course that is an excellent volunteer scheme
  • If you would like your staff to bond as a team or learn a new sport I can run sessions specifically designed for them. This is a great way to energise your staff and get them trying something new.

For further details of any of these services or to get in touch, please visit my contacts page and complete the short form.

ru: Детское ориентирование en: Child's oriente...

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